Top 10 Countries with the Best Colleges

top 10 countries best with colleges

If you ever wondered what country would have the best colleges and universities, then look no further than our list of Top 10 Countries with the Best Colleges.

10. China

china colleges

China is indeed no longer a sleeping giant, with an increasing economy and improvements in almost all sectors of their system. China has also risen to educational heights with two of their universities, Peking and Tsinghua among the Top 50 in the World. Also notable is the integration of Chinese culture, landscape, and architecture among their premiere colleges.

9. Hong Kong

hong kong colleges

Another Asian country to be included in the list, Hong Kong continues to expand its repertoire with one of the oldest universities in the world. Top-notch researchers study here and being an internationally populated country, English is a common medium of teaching.

8. Australia

Australia colleges

With Australia rising up to one of the global powers, the country is also home to multiple premiere universities in the world. International students and educators flock to Australia searching for better education and opportunity.

7. Germany

germany colleges


One of the top creators and manufacturers of the world, it’s no wonder that Germany, with its top-notch education and numerous opportunities for international students, is included in the list. Germany is home to one of the best research universities in the world.

6. Singapore

singapore colleges


This small country is considered one of the powerhouses of Asia and also has one of the best education systems in the world. Singapore has consistently ranked high with its universities and continues to produce world class graduates.

5. Japan

japan colleges

With advancements in Japan especially in technology one can’t help but think of a good tertiary education coupled alongside it. The University of Tokyo is ranked among the top 25 in the world and hosts over 30,000 students in different campuses.

4. Canada

canada colleges

Many still continue to debate the case of Canada being the best at benefits, immigration and education in the world and rightly so. Its top universities are responsible for changes and increases in curriculum and courses especially in the realms of communication.

3. Switzerland

switzerland colleges

The Swiss are not one to fall behind as they place third on this list. Zurich is home to one of the best technology and science universities in the world. Having one of the largest international student pools and also having one of the highest in number for post-graduate studies.

2. United Kingdom

uk colleges

The United Kingdom has three universities ranked in the top 10 of the world (Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College). Home to educational systems known the world over and also home to a few of the oldest schools and universities in the world.

1. United States

United States universities


The land of opportunity continues its consistency in the top spot as it sports 7 of the top 10 universities in the entire world. Most universities are known the world over, and many continue to travel and pursue educational attainments at their prestigious schools. Among these known schools are Caltech, Yale, Oxford, Stanford and Princeton.

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Mahesh Baldania is an entrepreneur, blogger, learner, reader and thinker. An Computer engineer by profession. Everything I writes is inspired by life experiences and study. I am passionate about software, disruptive technology, personal development, and inspiring others. I thinks, "We only have one life, might as well live it."