People Judge Your Personality Based On These 13 Small Things


From the moment you meet someone for the first time, you quickly want to assess who the person is and what they represent. This is why you may be on the lookout for certain stable qualities like honesty, kindness and intelligence. This will also helpful to judge your personality.

Paying attention to these things may even help you evaluate if you will want to pursue an intimate relationship with this person or not.

Such judgment of character could be helpful on major decisions such as pursuing a romantic relationship, employing an individual or accepting a job offer. Based on these things, this is how people judge your personality and determine who you are and who you might not be. Here Given Below How to Judge Any Person Personality Based on These 13 Small Things.Please Check It Out judge your personality:-

1. Your handwriting

According to a study, the way someone writes and the size of their handwriting can tell you certain things about the person. According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company, it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy, meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting.

Those who take things seriously put more pressure on the pen when they write, while light-handed writers typically tend to be empathetic and are more sensitive.

2. Your color

According to an article on Psychology Today, the color you frequently turn to for clothes or are more akin to says a lot about who you are. People who frequently choose black are sensitive, artistic and attentive to details, while those who love red live life to the fullest and proactive in their endeavors.

People who love green are loyal and affectionate, while those who love white are organized and logical, and those who have blue as their favorite color are stable, sensitive and are considerate of others.

3. Biting your nails

Certain body-focused repetitive behaviors can say a lot about your personality. How your body reacts to situations, whether by pulling your hair, biting your nails or picking at your skin could elicit impatience, frustration, boredom and dissatisfaction.

Take nail biting for example. According to a research, it is suggested that those who bite their nails tend to be perfectionists, while also tense and often nervous.

4. Your shoes

According to psychologists, you can correctly judge a person just by looking at their shoes. According to the lead researcher Omri Gillath from the University of Kansas, just by examining the cost, style, color and condition of the shoe, you can be able to guess about 90% of the owner’s personal characteristic such as his or her income, political affiliation, gender, and even age.

5. Your eyes

Your eyes are the mirror to your soul. Your eyes can tell a lot about you, what you are thinking and feeling and if you are either deceitful or loyal.According to studies, people with blue eyes are less agreeable and more likely to be alcoholics than people with darker eyes.

Another way the eye gives you away is that a lack of steady eye contact would reveal a lack of self-control and a weak will.

6. Your punctuality

How early or late you show up for an appointment or a meeting could form an impression, either negative or positive, about your personality. Being late for an important date means you are creating a negative impression about who you are, while being early for an appointment means you are considerate about other people’s time, and are both mentally organized and self-motivated.

7. Your handshake

It has been discovered that people with a strong handshake exude confidence and reflect a strong and confident character. Such people are also more likely to be extroverted, being expressive of their emotions, and less likely to be placid.

People with weak handshakes, on the other hand, lack confidence and always tend to want the easy way out of a challenge. Offering a handshake alone could be the different between appearing standoffish or sincerely friendly.

8. Whether you bite your nails

Sushrut Munje has strong views on people with bitten nails, saying that it’s a sign “the person eats away at himself.”

Meanwhile, research suggests that those who bite their nails (or pull their hair, or pick their skin) tend to be perfectionists, unable to fully relax.

9. How often you check your phone

An anonymous Quora user writes about noticing “where and when [people] pull their phones out (waiting in a short line, talking to their parents, being out with friends, when they’re alone in public).”

As for what it might mean if you’re constantly refreshing your email or Facebook feed, one study found you may be less emotionally stable and trying to boost your mood.

10. Whether you make eye contact

Munje says a limp handshake and a lack of steady eye contact “shows lack of self-control, required drive to follow through, and a weak will.”

Alternatively, psychologist Adrian Furnham, Ph.D., writes in Psychology Today that extroverts tend to look more often and for longer at their conversation partners than introverts do. And in general, people who look at their partners more often are more confident and socially dominant.

11. Whether you show up on time

Late for a very important date? The person who’s waiting may be forming a negative impression of your personality.

“A proactive person will be there on time, because he is self-motivated, mentally organized, and values time whereas a procrastinator will be running here and there at the last hour,” says Humaira Siddiqui.

According to science, those who are chronically late aren’t necessarily inconsiderate people – but they’re probably more laid-back, “Type B” individuals.

12. How you treat restaurant staff

Multiple users said they pay close attention to how other people interact with waiters.

“I will never, EVER date a man who is rude to restaurant staff,” says Sati Marie Frost.

Even top execs say you can learn a lot about someone based on the way he or she treats waiters, hotel maids, and security guards. Ron Shaich, CEO of Panera Bread, says he once declined to give someone a job partly because she was nice to him but rude to someone cleaning the tables nearby.

13. Where you look when you drink out of a cup

Writes David Junto: “A person that looks into the cup when drinking tends to be more introspective, self-aware, idealistic, and focused. A person who looks over the rim of the cup when drinking tends to be more influenced by others, more environmentally aware, carefree, extroverted, and trusting. A person who closes their eyes when they drink is in some sort of pain or discomfort and is preoccupied with pleasure and relief.”

And don’t even get started on what your drink choice signifies.

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Mahesh Baldania is an entrepreneur, blogger, learner, reader and thinker. An Computer engineer by profession. Everything I writes is inspired by life experiences and study. I am passionate about software, disruptive technology, personal development, and inspiring others. I thinks, "We only have one life, might as well live it."